New year yoga pilates routine

5 Top Tips For Getting Back Into Your Routine

new year routine

The year 2021 has been anything but the usual, as we had originally hoped on January 1st last year. Losing your routine in these “unprecedented times” is easy, so how do we get it back? Fitness, professional goals, creative time, family time, etc. etc. etc. The list could go on and on, but it doesn’t matter what you want to “get back into” because the goal isn’t to just do it but to enjoy life and feel a certain way because you have achieved your goal (love, confidence, health, relaxation, or happiness). This is never easy and getting into a routine that works for you won’t happen overnight. However, here are five things that help us at Made By Movement.  The new year is a great time to try and create the change you have been looking for you. 


1. Improving your resilience to change  


Change is inevitable, in almost every aspect of life. Change can be amazing, bringing new life and opportunities but it also can provide huge perceived barriers to our way of life currently. Understanding that change will almost definitely disrupt your routine is the first thing to accept.  

The more accepting you are of the fact things will change, the better you will be able to adjust your routine alongside these changes. If you are thinking okay, I get things will change, but how do I accept them as they come? You can try these techniques:  

- Your own level of control: the truth is lots of changes are out of our personal control. If something is out of your hands worrying about it won't change the outcome, adjusting is the best thing for your own mental and physical health. This is often because forcing things to stay the same is generally more challenging and stressful.  

- Self-care: We have heard the words "self-care" for the past 2 years so much it's like we are being beaten over the head by them. BUT, during times of uncertainty, pandemic or no pandemic, we need to hold on to the things that make us feel good, bring joy, and relaxation. If we don’t do this burnout will become almost certain.  

- Thought Patterns: What is a thought pattern? Essentially it is the habit of thinking a certain way. Automatically reacting to any disruption with worry or anxiety - or freaking out before all the information is clear - would be a good example (one I do myself at times). It can help to take a step back and recognise these thought patterns. So perhaps next time you face a disruption, try thinking “can I do this same thing, while slowing my mind?” 


2. “Not perfect” does not mean it’s not beneficial 


For some, this is a hard concept to understand, but a good way of describing this is with food. So, for example: you really want to be vegan, but your friends meet up each Friday at a barbeque grill. When with your friends, you like to join in and split the chicken wings and garlic sauce. You know that's not vegan. Or you run with a group every week and they always have ice cream after. You don't want to be the only one not joining the group. But neither of these examples would mean there is not point being vegan the other days.  

Is eating vegan a couple days per week better than not doing it at all? Yes, I believe it is. This same idea could apply to exercising or working out, doing a little is always better than doing nothing. 


3. Stick to your routine even in small ways  


As discussed above, life happens. Your child will get sick, work will run late, traffic will hold you up, or you’ll have a couple of terrible days. But just because the hour in the evening you planned for a run, or yoga has been disrupted doesn’t mean you should bin it off and just sit on the couch and scroll tiktok.  

Don't have enough time to do a full run? Just walk (or run slowly) around your block. 

Don't have enough time to read before bed? Read a page or two.  

Don't have enough time to do yoga? Take ten seconds to breathe. 

You get the picture; these little things may seem silly and somewhat pointless at the time. By themselves these small acts are insignificant, but sticking to your schedule overtime will carry you on to keeping your schedule when you do actually have the time and ultimately ending in a successful routine. So, stick to your routine, even in a small way.   


4. Create routine patterns 


Creating a pattern to help you stick to your routine will help keep you on track and remind you when you forget. A good example of this is: you want to floss, so a routine pattern would be always flossing immediately after you brush your teeth. 

Tying your goal, or new pattern to a current behaviour will help you stick to the new pattern you are trying to implement, especially in the beginning.  


5. Focus on what you CAN do 


A common first reaction is to focus on the barriers, what is holding us back from doing what we want. Instead of why you can’t do something you want to do, think: “I can work with this”.  

Yes, you may not have the time, money, experience, or network to start where you want to finish, but the ones who get there are the ones who simply start anyway.  

Choosing to feel uncomfortable, doing things outside of your box and pushing yourself to grow will bring you a lot more happiness in the long term. Shift your focus to what you can do and go for it – I believe in you! 



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